Case Study: The Bridges Shopping Centre
Introduction The Bridges shopping centre, situated in the heart of Sunderland city centre, is the home
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Want to know how to get the best from List Views in Sage 200cloud? Business software specialist Gary Butler is on hand with some good advice…
You might think, “What more do I need to know, its just a list!”. Well there are plenty of tips and tricks you can use to make things easier to find and view.
With list views, the most basic thing you can do is sort the columns. This is achieved by clicking on the header of the column you want to sort on. This can be easily seen by an arrow in the column header. If the arrow doesn’t show, this means it’s set at the default sort on usually a Code column.
You also have the ability to filter the list views – and there are two ways to do this. One way is to do it ‘on the fly’ as a quick filter – or a saved filter for filters you want to apply on a regular basis.
To apply a quick filter, firstly find a text entry box at the top of the list with the words ‘Search List’.
Within this box you can search for mostly anything that shows on the displayed columns, depending on the module of the program you are in. If you are in the Sales Ledger or Purchase Ledger lists, you can search on Contact names or codes or even values. In the Sales Order or Purchase Order list views you can search for order numbers, company names or other values.
With the saved search, you can set a more detailed or complex filter, including if values are higher or lower than a value or such like. At the top of the list view is a box with a dropdown saying ‘No Filter’. Directly to the right of this is a picture of a funnel. To get started, click the funnel.
On the filter window as below, you will be given a Maintain filter screen. To start click the ‘New’ button (in the blue highlight), you can give it a special name (in the green highlight) – usually something that makes sense, in my case it’s a Balance Filter.
Then if this is a filter that you want everyone to use, you can tick the Public tick box. It is even more important to have a sensible name if this is a public filter – the tick box is highlighted orange.
You can then raise a logic-based filter by using a combination of and/or commands (or even just a one line filter if necessary.) Once happy, you can save it.
Another useful list view option is the Scrollable View tick box. This was added because in the past, people who had thousands or hundreds of thousands of items on their lists had performance issues on the list view when the scroll bar was used. This was removed a number of years ago but customers on smaller sets of data wanted the option back. This is where the tick box comes in to play. Ticking the box will allow you to scroll the list with the scroll button on the mouse or dragging the bar down.
On some list views is an Auto Refresh tick box – this appears on Stock and Order/Invoice lists. This is to save you from using the manual refresh button, however on larger sets of data if this is ticked it may cause some slowdown.
You can also add and remove columns on all list views, and there are usually a large number of options that you can use to add, and indeed remove. Simply right click on the column header, highlight Columns and within there are a number of options (and sometimes submenus) of what can be added as a column, The items with a tick are already present, so clicking on these will untick and indeed remove the column. You can then click and drag a column once present so you can design the list view you want, to make it easier to see the information you want.
The final option ties into the last option nicely. Once you have customised your list view, you can right click on the list and use one of the relevant options to export the list to Excel. You can either select the results you want to export using either Tab-click or Shift-click or everything! This can help if you want to manipulate the data in Excel.
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Introduction The Bridges shopping centre, situated in the heart of Sunderland city centre, is the home
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